Asian Student Association
ASA is a club whose goals are to promote cultural awareness, encourage solidarity at PAHS, and create a sense of community and belonging. An important priority of the club is to provide a platform for students to speak out on social issues and uplift the Asian community. In addition, ASA aims to celebrate the richness of Asian cultures by celebrating important events and occasions, taking field trips, encouraging cultural exchange, and sharing cultural experiences such as foods, languages, and art. The club is open to everyone looking to embrace Phoenixville’s diversity and share Asian culture.
Mrs. Gow-Carnes
French Club (Le Cercle Francophone)
The “Cercle Francophone” (French Club) meets once a month and is open to all students. The purpose of French Club is to explore and learn about the Francophone cultures through cooking lessons, outings to restaurants, trips to museums (Philadelphia Art Museum, Rodin Museum, Barnes Foundation), French films (Colonial Theatre, Ursinus College French Film Festival), and more. Some of our discussions may include promotion of the French Program, and fundraising. French Club is run by the students in the Société Honoraire de Français (French honor society). The SHF co-presidents are Margot Lebrec and Katie Whelan.
Madame Gasbara.
German Club
Deutschklub exists to further the knowledge and education for students who wish to pursue German outside the classroom and beyond the scope of school instruction; to meet other German speakers with whom a student may not have class; as forum for students who are not currently enrolled in a German class to keep up and develop their German skills; as a forum to which to invite native speakers; to plan exchanges, visits, trips; for German cultural experiences, such as food, movies and conversation; to support the German program at the high school. It is open to all current and past German students at PAHS.
Latin Club
This organization focuses on the ancient Latin language and Greco-Roman culture to anyone interested in the Classics. One doesn’t have to be a Latin student to join the group. The club holds many Roman-style activities, including the celebration of the winter holiday of Saturnalia, the screening of classically-inspired films, an Ides of March Party, a Roman banquet, and Rome’s birthday in April. The club also strives each year to involve students in the Philadelphia Classical Society’s Latin Week Competition.
Spanish Club
The goal of this club is to further the understanding of the language and customs of the Hispanic world. The club does a variety of events including fundraisers for cultural-based field trips, organizing Hispanic cultural celebrations, and using the Spanish language in their meetings. The members also serve as tutors for students who need extra help in Spanish class.
Mr. Acosta