Middle School Teams

Fall Sports


8th Coach/Email

7th Coach/Email

Cheer/Comp Spirit

Tabbi Levengood


Cross Country

Jonathan Gabb

Carl Saville

Field Hockey

Brianna Plaxe

Maureen Otis


Scott Smiley

Rahim Beasley

Boys Soccer

Chris Guidotti


Girls Soccer

Jason Short

Dave Saville

Girls Tennis

Gretchen Krueger

Emily Blackburn

Girls Volleyball

Khiara Otto

Gina Geosits


Winter Sports


8th Coach/Email

7th Coach/Email

Boys Basketball

Mark McDonnell


Girls Basketball

Aamina Thornton



Dave Saville

Ben Spinelli


Spring Sports


8th Coach/Email

7th Coach/Email


Dave Clarke

John Dimaio

Boys Lacrosse

Jim Kiley

Jim Kiley

Girls Lacrosse

Kyle Esterbrook

Alex Wilby


Mike Donnelly

Monica Daley

Boys Tennis

Mark McDonnell

 Emily Blackburn

Coed Track & Field

Jonathan Gabb

Carl Saville

 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will my son or daughter have to try-out for the team?

A: Boys and Girls Basketball are the only sports that we have a limited amount of roster spots and therefore do hold tryouts.  All other sports are based on the students’ willingness to participate and PASD/PIAA eligibility standards.

Q: Does my child need a physical?

A: A completed PIAA Physical (dated after June 1 of the current year) must be completed by a physician once a year.  If your student has played a fall sport, then plays a winter or spring sport, only Section 7 of the CIPPE form must be completed.  The Recertification Form only has to be signed by a parent. (So, one full physical, then a recertification for subsequent sport seasons).

Q: What time is practice?  What times are the games?

A: Practice and game times vary by sport and facility availability, but the majority of practices are held from 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM.  Games typically begin 3:45 PM (8th grade) and 4:45 PM (7th grade).  Game schedules are available at www.PhoenixvilleAthletics.com.   Click here for the PASD Field Map.

Q: Is transportation home provided after practice?

A: PASDno longer offers a late activity bus.

Q: What should I do if I want my child to come home with me after a game?

A: A Travel Release Form must be completed and handed into the coach prior to the game.  The Travel Release Form is available here.

Q: What time does my student need to be in school to be able to participate in athletics (practice and games)?

A: All students must be in school before the end of 2nd period.  If a student leaves mid-day for an appointment, they must be back for the final two periods to participate.

Q: How will I know if a game or practice has been cancelled?

A: The complete game schedule is available at www.PhoenixvilleAthletics.com.  For day-of cancellations, your student’s coach will communicate the change with you via email.  Announcements are also made at PAMS prior to the end of the day for athletic schedule changes. 

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